A social history of the 19th century through the local press | ![]() |
This part of the web-site gives a view of the 19th century through the eyes of the reporters for local newspapers and writers of 'letters to the editor'. The articles and letters relate to Newport - where my mother's family came from - during a century when it grew from being little more than a village to being a city of 50,000 people but reflect life as a whole in Britain. In that not so far-off time, we can see that their concerns were very similar to ours - even if the back-drop against which their lives were played out was much different. We see the death sentence for stealing a mule, concerns over drunkenness and the sale of indecent cards, corruption, family disputes, a bizzare way of ensuring you had the biggest cucumbers, complaints of insufficient gum on postage stamps, the problems of dust on the streets, working hours, womens rights... and a lot more. The language used is
fantastic! Paul Buckingham For more extracts please look at the wonderful web-site: http://www.newportpast.com |
On Visiting St. Woolos Church I am sorry to say the strictest attention to propriety is not observable within these walls; we were repeatedly shocked, in proceeding towards the eastern extremity of the place, with the mouldering relics of mortality, the wreck of bones, skulls and coffins that were heedlessly scattered about the ground on which we trod.
1805 Cambrian The property known as the "Mayors Plot" has been purchased by Sir Robert Salisbury from Newport Town Council for the sum of £75. We are given to understand, by persons that know, that they consider the value has been grossly undervalued.
1808 Cambrian Mr. Peter Napper begs leave to inform the public that he has opened the above establishment for the sale of Pastries, Pies and Muffins of the Highest Quality. He hopes by paying strict attention to orders he will merit a share of Public Favour.
1809 D.V. (Res.) For many years the ships which plied back and forth to Bristol charged exorbitant fares for the journey. A Mr. Kemeys decided to capture this market by placing on station a boat which he named the "Moderator," moderate prices being charged. The wharf from which this boat sailed was henceforth known as the Moderator Wharf.
1811 D.V. (Res) John Frost (who led the Chartist Riots in 1839) John Frost this year opened a drapery business in Mill Street. 1813 Cambrian We understand from our correspondent in Newport that a new inn is under construction, at the junction of the road to Cardiff, and is due for completion shortly. It will be known as The Salutation Inn and will, we have no doubt, be of great benefit to those travellers passing through the town.
1814 Cambrian Newport, we hear, is expanding rapidly for yet another new inn is shortly to be opened in that town. We understand that it will stand on the west side of Commercial Street about half way along its length and will be called the Parrot Inn.
1818 D.V. (Res.) In 1818 a new turnpike road was made through Maindee and Langstone much to the delight of those who ran the Mail, for the climb to Christchurch exhausted the horses and was extremely hazardous especially in winter. [The population of Newport had more than doubled in ten years. It now had 2346 inhabitants.]
A builder of this town having been happily married for many years, and sired a large number of children, sadly lost his beloved wife. Finding life alone was not suited to him, and much against the wishes of his children, he married a spinster of mature years. Shortly afterwards he died, and by the wishes of his children, was buried in the new cemetery with his first wife. The children arranged the inscription on the gravestone and under the gentleman's name placed the word "reunited". The second wife visiting the grave was incensed at this and had the mason, at her own expense, add the words "Until I Come".
1822 In 1801 Newport contained 1087 inhabitants; in 1811, 2346 and in 1821 the population had gone up to 3,496
1824 The Sirhowy to Newport tram road only reached as far as Nine Mile Point and it was decided to extend the line to Tredegar. In this year a passenger service was introduced, promoted by John Kingston, between Newport and Tredegar. The passengers were conveyed in a special horse-drawn vehicle known as ''The Caravan."
1824 A meeting was called on 1st inst. of the inhabitants of the Borough of Newport, by the Mayor to take into consideration the distressed state of the poor, and the necessity of giving them some relief at this season of the year, when a subscription was entered into, and upwards of £80 collected, which is to be laid out in bread and potatoes and distributed among the poor.
1825 In Newport in 1825 many of the buildings were plastered with lime. This was an efficient and hygienic form of combating the prevalence of cholera and other serious illnesses caused, in the main, by the mud, refuse and odure in the streets.
Cambrian 1828 James Bough and James Foster were indicted for stealing a mule the property of Philip Stead. Mr. Stead stated that on 16th August last he lost a mule; the mule found that day in the prisoner's possession was his property, it was worth about £20 and he had bred it from a colt. Mr. Lavender, a shoemaker, was up at three o'clock on Sunday morning and he saw Bough on the mule. William Fuller, the constable, saw the prisoner Bough on the mule and said he had had it from a person named Hatton at Newport. At this time Foster passed. He took them both into custody. A turnpike ticket was found on Bough for Cinderhill gate; a gate through which they must have passed from the meadow where the mule was left. The shoes of Foster fitted exactly the marks in the soil of the meadows. As they were being taken to the gaol one of them said, "I suppose they won't hang us for it?" The constable said, "I don't know, perhaps not, but you'll be transported," the same one replied "Aye - I don't mind that." The jury found Bough guilty and Foster they acquitted. The Judge told Foster he had had a very narrow escape and sentence of death was recorded against Bough.
Merlin. 12th September, 1829 Richard Radnor, condemned at our late assize for a rape, expiated the offence on the drop over the front of our County Jail on Thursday last. May such dreadful spectacles deter others from the perpetration of crimes, which the law severely but wisely visits with condign punishment. The unhappy man conducted himself after his condemnation like a true penitent, acknowledging the justice of his sentence, and employing the short time allotted him in this world in preparation for the awful change he was soon to undergo. The reverend chaplain of the jail zealously assisted him in his devotions, which was the more necessary as the unfortunate man could neither read nor write, and administered every consolation that religion offers to the penitent sinner. After hearing a sermon suitable to the awful occasion, and partaking the Holy sacrament, at 12 o'clock he was conducted to the scaffold, and in a few minutes was launched into eternity. A great concourse of people had assembled to witness the melancholy spectacle.
Merlin 3rd October, 1829 We are informed that the Commissions under the Act of Parliament for the lighting of the town of Newport, have again contracted with the Gas Company, and that the enlightened inhabitants have prevailed over those who "preferred darkness rather than light."
Merlin. 19th December, 1829 An annual examination of the children of this institution took place on Monday last when Sir Charles Morgan Bart. M.P., Lord Rodney, Mrs. Homfray, Mrs. Morgan of Ruperra, Miss Lascelles and Mr. Octavious Morgan, Mr. Munday and Mrs. Haverton, the Rev. Mr. Cluff, Mr. Wiltson and Mr. Coles and in respectable assembly the ladies and gentlemen of Newport attended. The usual routine of examination of the boys passed much to the satisfaction of the company. Sir Charles expressed himself highly gratified at the order and improvement in the clean, healthful, and for poor children, decent appearance. Sir Charles' usual treat of mince pies next made their appearance, and the boys nothing loth at the sight, showed the pleasure they felt in their smiling and joyous countenances. After the conclusion, Sir Charles and the ladies and gentlemen from Tredegar House, adjourned to the house of Mr. Napper where an elegant dessert was provided for the occasion. This Institution was opened on 28th March, 1815 during which time 996 boys have been admitted and have received useful and moral instruction. It is open to all denominations and children are admitted from ages 6 - 12. They leave having received instruction in reading, writing and arithmetic, together with the knowledge of the Ten Commandments and Dr. Watts' Hymns.
Merlin 8th July, 1831 The Unwitting Companion We understand from our correspondent in Oxfordshire that young Mrs. Elizabeth Winkle, the only daughter of Oliver Parsons Esq. of Newport who was married last year at St. Woolos Church to Captain Horace Winkle of the Dragoon Guards, has been the unwitting dupe of Lady Pallister of Brierly Hall, Kington, Oxfordshire. It appears that due to military commitments Captain Winkle placed his wife in the service of Lady Pallister as a companion, in order that she may have some interest to occupy her time whilst he was away on military duties. Lady Pallister is well known for her philanthropic activities and is treasurer of many charitable organisations. One of young Mrs. Winkle's duties was to help Lady Pallister open the mail, much of which contained contributions from generous donors to the charity of their choice. On a good day, when the donations had been more than usual, M'Lady would say to her companion "Come now, Elizabeth, order the chaise and we shall go out to blue it". Her Ladyship and the young lady would then visit the most expensive restaurants in or near Oxford. Captain Winkle, arriving on a short leave to see his wife, asked her if she was content with her position. "Oh yes", she said "Lady Pallister is so kind to me; she takes me with her to the most expensive places, particularly when she received a lot of money by the mail. She says we shall go to Bluitt but we never manage to reach there. Do you think you could take me there, as I would dearly love to see it?" The good Captain hearing this told his wife to pack her bags as she was leaving. He immediately informed the authorities and M'Lady has been arrested and charged with embezzlement. We understand that she is due to appear at the Summer Assizes in Oxford. Meanwhile young Mrs. Winkle is back in Newport living with her father, while the Captain has returned to his duties, and is almost certainly stationed a long way from 'Bluitt'
D.V.(Res) 4th May 1840 We hear from a source, which cannot be revealed, that the gardeners of the Stove area of Newport are highly delighted this year in the acquisition of the services of a young man of more personable appearance than in years past. They are making a great issue of keeping his name secret, so as to avoid their rivals in any other part of the town from obtaining his services, and thus acquiring the largest and most luscious cucumbers which they know will be theirs this year. On the first of May, as is the custom, the young man, visited no less than nine greenhouses, where, in the "altogether" he planted cucumber seeds. As he was blessed with the body of a young Adonis, the gardeners are certain of a crop of a quality far superior to that of their rivals in the horticultural world who have not taken the necessary steps.
Merlin. 24th October, 1840 Ben Mills 22 charged with having on
13th August stolen a cotton pocket handkerchief
from the person of W. Gwynn. Prisoner pleaded
guilty. Being his third conviction he was
sentenced to seven years transportation to the
Merlin. 11th November, 1843 Sir, Will you be pleased, through the columns of your journal, to intimate to the contractor for the postage stamps, the necessity of putting on the back sufficient gum to make them stick to the letters. I presume that is part of the contract. I remain Sir, Your obedient Servant - Mercator
Merlin. 6th April, 1844 Sir, It will doubtless be in the remembrance of yourself as well as many of your readers, that the grocers of this town had agreed to 9 o'clock, as a fixed hour for closing business, thus affording to their assistants a portion of time for mental or bodily recreation. This highly commendable rule has been tolerably well kept, but it is to be lamented that there is a disposition on the part of some amongst them, now to break it, by keeping the doors open after the shutters are closed. To say the least of it, this does appear shabby to others, who adhere to the rule, and I hope this hint will prove sufficient. I remain,
Merlin. 7th July, 1846 We are given to understand that a much needed facility in the town of Newport is about to be put in hand, namely, the establishment of a water-works. For far too long we have derived our water from the public pumps at Baneswell, Mill Street, Corn Street, Stow Hill, and the Salutation. Of late years Baneswell has been suspected of receiving its water supply through drainage from the overcrowded cemetery around St. Woolos Church.
Merlin. 29th August, 1851 A decent and well conducted mechanic, residing on the canal side, one day this week rushed out of his house followed by his four screaming and terrified children and flung himself into the water. A French Captain, who was passing at the moment, leaped in after him and rescued the foolish would-be suicide from a watery grave. The poor fellow intimated that a turbulent and provoking wife drove him to think he had better be out of the world than suffer a continuance of his domestic unhappiness.
Merlin. 2nd August, 1852 Sir, Can you inform, readers why the inhabitants of Pillgwenlly are suffering all the annoyance of the dust at this season of the year, whilst the streets of the old Borough are quite drenched with water? For what purpose do we pay Board of Health rates? I have observed the street as far down as the Cattle Market, including the road to the Market Gate, and a bye road to a field behind Mr. Turner's garden, quite saturated, but lower than that point no cart appears after 8 o'clock in the morning and then the supply of water is so extremely scanty, as to be perfectly useless - in fact, a good garden watering pot would do nearly as much service. As a ratepayer and shopkeeper, I have just reason to complain, and I hope burgesses of the west end will be alive to their own interests on the 1st November next. Your obedient servant. A lover of Justice.
Merlin. 25th June, 1853 Mr. Townsend said "Mr. Mayor, I wish to call the attention of the Board and the Surveyor to a nuisance. I happened to go down by Cross Street the other day and my nose was offended by the most dreadful stench, the like of which I have never experienced. On enquiry, I found that a person there, was in the habit of gathering or buying bones and bringing them to the premises in Cross Street, when after cleansing them with lime etc. they lay exposed to the air until they were properly dried, I presume from that the smell arises. But I can assure you, it is a dangerous nuisance. I never smelt such a stench in my life." The Superintendent said, "It does not now exist - it was removed the same day."
Merlin. 12th October, 1853 Sir, I have frequently travelled on the Western Valley Railway and I cannot but observe how differently things are managed compared with other lines. I would draw your attention to the injustice to passengers on the Western Valleys, by cramming into the carriages a greater number than they can conveniently accommodate. On my last journey to Newport there were in the carriage no less than 13 adults and 2 children, and among them one or two who were not perfectly sober. The attention of the guard was called to the fact but he only replied by shutting the door in our faces and of course, left us no alternative but to endure the inconvenience and the unhealthy atmosphere in which we were placed. Suffering Passenger.
Merlin. 3rd February, 1854 The Streets This week attention has been called to the exceedingly dirty state of the pavements, crossings and streets in Newport; and suggestions have been made that brooms be furnished to poor fellows who beg for assistance, so that they may pick up a few pence in these cold times of dear bread.
Merlin. 9th June, 1854 The enterprising "Prince of Whips" Mr Charles Phillips, always desirous of pleasing the public, has just launched a new omnibus which runs to and from the railway stations to the King's Head, the Westgate and his own comfortable quarters - the William the Fourth. The new vehicle is tasteful and commodious. When drawn by the two showy horses just added to the menage, and these "tooled" along by their master "Charley", a desire to be on the box, or snugly seated within, is the prevailing wish among pedestrian spectators.
Merlin. 18th August, 1854 An Act of Parliament under which dogs are not to draw trucks, carts, etc., has received the Royal Assent and is now the law. This statute will be hailed with pleasure in Newport, where unfortunate dogs are often observed dragging vehicles.
Merlin. 22nd September, 1854 The public in the neighbourhood of George Street and Dock Street were much disturbed two or three evenings this week, by a mob of persons who had assembled to burn an effigy of Mrs. Hutchings, who, after her husband had gone to Australia, married a man named Weedon, with whom she found her living. On Mr. Hutchings' return recently from the gold-diggings, a rich man, she had at first agreed to return to him, but was "over-persuaded", and chose Weedon as the husband with whom she was inclined to spend the remainder of her days. The mob, of course, was much incensed, and loud noises and continuous uproar characterised their assembly on the occasion.
Merlin. 17th November, 1854 Mr. Charles the "Prince of Whips" and landlord of the King William the Fourth, has just put on another new and elegant omnibus for public accommodation.
Merlin. 6th June, 1855 All pedestrians in Newport are to be requested by official notices, publically given, to "Keep to the right" on the pavements that they may avoid the frequent jostling and inconvenience which is experienced when such a course is not followed.
Star of Gwent. 20th June, 1856 The ragged School, Newport first originated with Mr. James Jones who, being actuated by a noble feeling of rescuing much-to-be-pitied children from destruction, with self-devotion and self-sacrifice, has opened a "ragged school" in the neighbourhood of Friars Fields. The school in question is carried on in the long clubroom at the back of the "Sunderland Inn," 31 Llanarth Street. Mr. Jones has as many as 450 children from the locality under his care and tuition at any one time.
N.G. 16th November, 1861 Sir, I was present at the Mayor's re-election on the 9th inst. when a great deal was said of his good qualities, great abilities, and faithful discharge of all his public duties. In this I entirely concur, barring one very gross omission which the Mayor, while presiding over the meeting, allowed the audience to be insulted by the celebrated Bacchanalian Champion, George Bateson, who unblushingly took out his flask of spirits, poured its contents in a vessel, and drunk off before the whole audience, exulting in the act, as "achieving a triumph over the tee totallers". The Mayor I am sorry to say witnessed the disgusting scene without administering a timely rebuke to the perpetrator of this outrage. I should have thought the Mayor would only have been faithfully discharging his duty, by ordering his arrest, charging him the next day with an act of indecency, and thus taught the inhabitants of this town that he (the Mayor) would not allow them to be insulted at their public meetings by an ignorant dram-seller I remain Sir
N.G. 28th June, 1862 A valuable institution in connection with the Catholic Church in Newport - a Burial Society for the poor who for a halfpenny contribution per week secure for their dead a wood coffin, a shroud, a private grave, a Gothic headstone, a pall and the use of 24 funeral dresses; the pall being beautifully decorated with crimson and having the inscription in deep Gothic lettering "Eternal Rest grant to them Oh Lord and let Perpetual Light shine upon them". The family of the deceased are thus relieved from all expense, and the Catholic poor are held to be without excuse, if they get into pecuniary difficulties on account of death. On Tuesday afternoon we observed the funeral procession of a young girl. The male and female mourners were all becomingly dressed in mourning cloaks, hat bands, bonnets and veils (very nun-like) etc.; and a striking feature in the procession was a dozen young girls, all arrayed in white, with white veils covering their heads and falling nearly to the ground. The public were naturally surprised at the spectacle, the cause of which we have thus explained.
Merlin. 16th February, 1864 Surely if slowly the practice of suspending business on Thursday afternoons seems to be extending. For some months the Drapers and Hatters have, not withstanding that other branches have not yet adopted the practice. This week we are glad to find that their praiseworthy practice is being followed by others. The principal stationers and shoe shops etc. having closed their establishments on Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Several brokers and merchants have also agreed to close their offices at the same hour.
Merlin.23rd April, 1864 Isaac Lyons the photographist of Commercial Road was summoned for exercising his worldly calling on the Lord's Day. Dougle Campbell said he was boatswain on board the ship 'Grenock'. On Sunday last he took a child to the shop of the defendant to have its likeness taken. The shop was open and the defendant took the required photograph. Witness offered payment but the defendant told him he could settle when the picture was ready. Defendant admitted that he had taken the likeness but stated that it was not customary to open his shop on the Sabbath Day. Chief Superintendent Hextole said that he had sent an officer round the town last summer cautioning photographers not to open their shops on Sunday. Mr. Evans said that although the defendant was a Jew he must obey the laws of this Country. The feelings of Christians must not be outraged by Jews exercising their worldly calling on the Sabbath day. Fined five shillings and costs, or seven days imprisonment.
Merlin. 9th January, 1868 Sir, Will you allow me a small space to complain of the continual annoyance caused by children ringing on door bells. It is a source of much additional labour to the servant who has to leave her work ever and anon to answer these wanton ringings, especially where there is a flight of steps to mount, or when from the top room she has to come down; and then there is the unpleasantness of having the door constantly opened unnecessarily and in the bargain the bell wire snapped or damaged by this hurried ringing. I should be glad if those lines should merit the eye of our Chief Superintendent and I feel sure he will, with his efficient force, put a stop to the nuisance. I am Sir,
Merlin. 2nd January, 1869 The thanks, of all who enjoy a budget of fun, gorgeous transformations, scenery most picturesque, and fairy lights, are due to Mr. Rousby, the enterprising lessee of the Victoria Hall. He has at immense cost produced a pantomime, such as for excellence in all aspects, is seldom witnessed in a provincial town. Its title is Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. Abounding in incidents and spectacular occasions, the pantomime opened on Boxing Night, when the house was crammed from floor to ceiling; and during the week has been extremely well patronised
Merlin. 30th August, 1869 We have had a peep into the greenhouses of Tivoli, the residence of Mr. H. J. Davies. In one of these is the choicest collection of chrysanthemums we have witnessed this year. With reference to two or three of the specimens, we have not seen any to excel them. The most remarkable measures 5 inches across. Others are distinguishable for colour and bloom.
Star of Gwent. 20th April, 1870 On Sunday afternoon a little girl between three or four years of age was the cause of no small dilemma to Mr. Cambell one of the guards on the Monmouthshire Railway. On arriving at Pontypool a passenger drew his attention to the fact that a little girl was unclaimed in one of the compartments, quite composed and contented, like an experienced traveller. Anxious inquiries made of her elicited that her name was Jenny West, and that she lived in Mary Street, Blaenavon, and she had entered the carriage to follow her brother Joe who had gone to Pontypool. She admitted that "Ma" and "Dad' knew nothing about her trip, and that she had slipped into the train unobserved, as she did not know there was anything to pay, and she had no money. The good-natured guard realised he must take charge of his erratic passenger until the return journey from Newport; but he telegraphed to the Blaenavon Station for the parents to be informed. During the hours that the little passenger remained in the hands of the kind strangers at Newport, she was quite self possessed and contented. On her return journey she was taken in charge by her fellow travellers and returned to her anxious parents a very tired little girl.
Star of Gwent. 18th January, 1872 On Monday last Mr. Stratton otherwise "General Tom Thumb", his amiable wife, "Doughnut" and Miss Minnie Warren visited Newport. Two largely attended Levees were held, the numbers attending in the evening being immense, the spacious Victoria Hall being crowded to excess, from two thousand to three thousand persons probably being present. The diminutive carriage of the General and his party, was an object of great interest, as it passed through the streets, to convey the distinguished party from the Railway Station to the Queens Hotel, which they selected as their headquarters. The entertainment was of the most attractive description. We have character representations by General Tom Thumb, including his unparalleled delineation of the first Napoleon's parade, preparatory to one of his great battles, and the excellent singing of Mrs. Stratton and Miss Warren added to which the Commodore's genuine acting in his comic and burlesque songs, which, there can be no hesitation in saying, is unsurpassed by any living artiste. The rounds of applause were frequent, prolonged, and repeated. The structure of the Victoria Hall is such that the two all attractive couples could, on a slanting stage, perambulate the entire length of the body of the Hall, so gratifying everyone present by a close view of the wonderful "four". This was announced as a farewell visit. We can only say if it prove to be so, the Newport public will not view such an arrangement with satisfaction; but that they will long remember (with regret that it was the last visit) the presence at the Victoria Hall, of General and Mrs. Tom Thumb, Miss Minnie Warren and Commodore Nutt.
Star of Gwent. 20th April, 1872 Nothing but a personal inspection of this stupendous undertaking can give a correct idea of the works in progress at the Alexandra Docks, and which now afford employment for a large body of men of various classes. The construction of the entrance lock, is rapidly approaching completion, and its massive and everlasting wharves, indeed, are a sight to behold. Not a doubt strikes the mind as to their solidity and stability, whilst the workmanship is of the highest order, and a credit to engineering skills. It will be a grand day for Newport when the Alexandra Docks are opened, in as much that it will inaugurate an era of prosperity and development of trade and commerce in this port, the extent of which the present generation can scarcely value.
Star of Gwent. 16th July, 1872 The arrivals during the past week have not only been numerous but various, among which we noticed the "Corsair" steamer, direct from Charente, with about 3000 gallons of brandy, consigned to Mr. William Webb of Aberbeeg. We learn that direct importations would be more frequent were there more extensive vaults and warehouses for bonding wines and spirits at the port. The "Chesapeke" steamer is now loading 1000 tons of railway iron for foreign ports at the Spit, her length being too great to admit of her entering our docks, without making a Level and this the Dock Company will not do at neap tides.
Star of Gwent. 28th July, 1872 Polo or hockey on horseback, is an Indian game, and was first introduced into this country by the 10th Hussars and 9th Lancers, who played several matches together. It has since become very popular and we believe a club is about to be started in London. A game was played last Monday at Clytha, the first attempted by civilians in this country, and it was so well received we understand that Captain Herbert (Late of the 9th Lancers) hopes to be able to form a club in Monmouthshire.
Star of Gwent. 24th August, 1872 The Newport Borough Police Force, with their wives and children, on Tuesday and Wednesday, enjoyed their Annual Outing. The Corporation contributed a small sum, to which ratepayers can take no exception, in view of the general efficiency and good conduct of the Force. In addition, a number of the principal tradesmen contributed handsomely in token of their appreciation of the Borough constables. The arrangements were under the control of Mr. Huxtable, the Chief Superintendent, who exerted himself with assiduity to promote the comfort and pleasures of the party. The Lighthouse was selected as the scene of the festivities, and merrily the hours sped amid the various sources of enjoyment which presented themselves on the shores of the Bristol Channel. An ample supply of creature comforts was provided and spread in a commodious tent - musicians, whose skill was brought into frequent requisition by the lovers of Terpsichore, played throughout the day, whilst there were games in variety on the green sward. The most enjoyable aspect of all, to some, were the briney waters which sparkled in the sun, and as if instinct with jocund merriment, throwing spray against the sea-washed walls and at each other. The party was safely and pleasantly conveyed from the Lighthouse in commodious brakes at once stout and fleet tutored by Jehus of admitted experience.
Star of Gwent. 15th February, 1873 On Wednesday evening last at 6 pm. a poor old Woman of this town named Mary Coughlan was walking along Pontypool Road near Crindau, when a horseman galloped by and knocked her down bruising and otherwise seriously injuring her. The rider had not the humanity to stop and make enquiries but galloped on as fast as possible. The poor old creature was brought to Newport in a cart and is now suffering from the unfortunate accident. If this meets the eye of the party by whom this wrong has been done it is hoped he will make some atonement to the afflicted old woman.
C.O. 15th January, 1876 On Wednesday night between six and seven o'clock the lights in the streets and houses contiguous to Stow Hill were suddenly extinguished. For days past men have been at work connecting the service gas pipes with the new mains. By some means or other a lump of cotton waste had been left in a pipe on Stow Hill, and the pressure of gas drove it up the service pipe and put out the lights. The gas was then passing through the main with full force, and a lighted candle was put in contact with it, when a tremendous flame burst forth. Gravel and rubbish were thrown in to extinguish the fire. A man got in a trench to repair the joint, but the escape of gas was so great, that he was well-nigh suffocated. He was taken out apparently dead, but was removed to Doctor Cheese's surgery and soon revived and is said to be not much the worse.
Star of Gwent. 23rd September, 1876 We have been informed that it is the intention of Mr. R.J. Whitehall, Jeweller, Commercial Street, to erect an electric time ball at his establishment, thereby supplying a long felt want - correct time - a boon which will be appreciated by his customers. The ball will fall every morning at ten o'clock exactly.
Star of Gwent. 21st October, 1876 We are pleased to say that the inauguration of the new floor of asphalt at the Rink passed off with great éclat. The members of the Newport and County Skating Club, to the number of about 70, inaugurated the floor in the afternoon on Wednesday last, whilst the public assembled in the evening to nearly twice that number and appeared to enjoy most thoroughly the excellent "go" of the asphalt. With the addition of ferns and firs, lavatories, a well stocked buffet (of non-intoxicating beverages), and other arrangements and improvements, the rink affords to non-skaters a most pleasant lounge, whilst active patrons find every convenience for them.
Star of Gwent. 17th March, 1877 Sir Edward Watkin is engaged in promoting a subscription on behalf of Mr. John Frost; the well known Welsh Chartist, who was sentenced to death in 1839 through his participation in the rising at Newport. Mr. Frost is 93 years of age and still lives in the neighbourhood of Bristol. It is somewhat singular that the jury, judge, and counsel engaged in his prosecution, thirty eight years ago, are all dead. His sentence was commuted to one of transportation for life, and he was sent to Van Diemen's Land. He lived through it all, and when the amnesty was granted to political prisoners at the close of the Crimean War, he was able to return to his native country. Mr. Frost was a Justice of the Peace, had been Mayor, and was a successful tradesman in Newport at the time of the Chartist Rising. He very ardently, but not very wisely, espoused their cause and lost both property and liberty for what he conceived to be his patriotic duty. He is in fair health now, but his memory at times somewhat wanders. He lives with his daughter who has attended his declining years with affectionate care and solicitude. Sir Edward Watkin hearing of his position, voluntarily sent his family £20 a few days ago, and he is now engaged in the benevolent work of trying to raise £200 or £300 to solace the old Chartist's exile in the days of proper forgetfulness.
Star of Gwent. 24th March, 1877 It is difficult to keep pace with the rapid progress which science is making in every direction, and men hardly realise the improvements and wonderful discoveries which are being made. One of which promises to be of great importance and convenience in business affairs, is the telephone, which has recently been constructed and practically developed by Professor A. Graham Bell, and by means of which, it is possible to send articulate sounds over ordinary telegraph wire. Professor Bell is now able to communicate planely between any points, however distant.
Star of Gwent. 17th June, 1880 At Newport County Court on Thursday, Miss Vickery a lady of Newport who needed a dentist's aid after some visits to gentlemen of that profession with varying results, gave defendant Mr. Williams an order for a set of teeth. These failed to satisfy Miss Vickery and she came before His Honour to recover 5 guineas, the cost of the artificial molars, incisors, canines. She laid them on the desk before His Honour and appealed tremulously that he would allow her to afford him an opportunity to judge how useless they were. "Shall I put them in?" she asked, and His Honour apparently not desiring to witness the operation replied that he was not a professional dentist. "But anyone can see what they are," rejoined Miss Vickery. She added that on complaining to Mr. Williams he was displeased and found fault with her mouth (Laughter). Answering Mr. R Edington; she admitted having been to other dentists with whom there was difficulty with regard to her new teeth. Mr. E.G. Williams said she came to him in 1880 and asked his opinion about a set of teeth made by another dentist. She asked him to make a set of teeth for her; but anticipating difficulty he reluctantly consented to do so on condition that he would do the best he could, but if they were not suitable that would be an end of the matter. His Honour "By you getting 5 guineas?" Defendant "Yes." He added that if she persevered with them her mouth would become accustomed to the pressure. Mr. Lewis Williams, Assistant to Defendant, replied to His Honour that the plate was made by his apprentice. His Honour "Oh that accounts for it." He thought the Plaintiff was entitled to recover the money and made an order accordingly.
Merlin. 18th March, 1881 A meeting at Newport of the Women's Suffrage Association was held at the Albert Hall on Tuesday evening, in support of the motion of Mr. Hugh Mason M.P., to extend the Parliamentary franchise to women householders and ratepayers. The attendance was limited.
Merlin. 5th November, 1886 Mr. Burchan (the Board of Guardians' Inspector) visiting the Union on Saturday, was glad to see that the few cases of Relief for able bodied persons in this Union, had been dealt with, without the applicants having to undergo "Pauperising". He was glad to see the men (with families) getting wages from the Corporation for breaking stones. That was a far better course than pauperising them. It answered the purpose very well.
Merlin. 12th November, 1886 On Thursday an accident occurred to a Frenchman, one of the batch of onion hawkers now in Newport, though happily it was not of a very severe nature. The poor fellow was lifting a basket of onions at the docks, when it fell upon him, inflicting a rather nasty gash on the side of the head. He was removed to the Infirmary and detained.
Merlin. 20th June, 1887 There is no town in the Kingdom, whose progress has been more marked, than that of Newport during the period of fifty years, which today marks the Jubilee of Her Majesty's reign. On the 20th June 1837, docks were unknown at Newport, the slight railway accommodation to the Borough would in these days be regarded as quite worthless; from the river to High Street a narrow pill slowly wended its way, whilst the width of the roadway did not exceed ten or eleven feet. In 1837 nearly the whole of the traffic with Newport, was conveyed by the Monmouthshire Canal, whilst passengers had to content themselves with the old stage coaches, carriers vans, and omnibuses. Compared with today Newport was simply a rural village. Its population did not exceed 9000, the inhabited houses being about 1500. Today, the population of the town exceeds 40,000, the number of inhabited houses is fully 7000. The Alexandra and Newport Docks have been constructed, a perfect network of railways runs into the town, and we are exporting over three million tons of coal per annum. These particulars, brief though they are, will serve to show the wonderful development of Newport from that day, precisely fifty years ago, when Victoria was informed that she had succeeded to the throne.
Star of Gwent. 25th January, 1889 At Saturday's meeting of the Newport Board of Guardians the clerk reported the receipt of a letter from Mr. Michael O'Shaughnessy, a married inmate of the House. The clerk read the letter which was written by O'Shaughnessy on behalf of himself and three other married inmates, asking for married quarters to be provided. O'Shaughnessy was the only person able to sign his name, the other signatures were attested by crosses. In answer to Mr. Brown, the Master stated O'Shaughnessy had been several times before the Magistrates. The last time he was on leave he came home drunk, with a black eye, and he should on that occasion have been locked up. The letter was referred to the Visiting Committee.
Star of Gwent. 15th November, 1889 As is well known to our readers, the
first Monday of each month, or Mabon's Day, as it
is now known by, is given as a holiday to those
inmates of the Newport Workhouse who care to leave
the institutions for a few hours for the purpose
of visiting friends and relatives. Unfortunately
the day very rarely arrives without witnessing the
return of many of these inmates in a state of
intoxication. It is therefore, a frequent sight to
see them reeling back to the Workhouse
intoxicated. For this they are of course
reprimanded and punished by being deprived of the
holiday for a certain period of time. It will thus
be seen, that it is mistaken kindness to ply those
unfortunates with drink.
The sudden death of a child six months old, throws a lurid light upon that system of infantile insurance which, during the past years, has made such gigantic strides. It is irritating enough for a man or woman to walk through the streets, knowing that his or her life may have been insured by persons who are perfect strangers. But with regard to infants, the flood gates are opened which actually tempt heartless parents to destroy their own offspring.
Joseph Fitzgerald who made his 56th appearance, was charged with being drunk and disorderly in Market Street on Saturday night. P.C. Christopher Thomas proved the case. Defendant asked for another chance, promising to give up drink. The Chairman said they would give defendant a chance of starting by having 28 days in prison. The defendant said "you couldn't have given me more if you tried." Star of Gwent. 25th January, 1889 William Hyatt of Goldcliff was charged with being drunk in charge of a horse and furiously driving over Newport Bridge on Saturday night. Fined ten shillings or seven days.
Star of Gwent. 6th June, 1890 The gambling prosecutions on Monday were by no means devoid of humour. For instance nothing but merriment could, of course, have been occasioned by its being pointed out that any man had a perfect right to bet in the public streets, but if it happened to be raining, or if the sun was burning fiercely, and the man accepted an umbrella being held over him, the umbrella constituted a "gambling place".
Star of Gwent. 20th June, 1890 Henry Saunders, nine years of age was charged with stealing a donkey at Gold Tops, the property of Henry Gummin. - The boy was recently before the court for stealing a horse and trap belonging to Mr. Phillips, butcher, of Caerleon, which he drove to the Forest of Dean. He afterwards attempted to steal a mule from the ballast land, near the Alexandra Dock, and was before the court a week ago, for stealing several balls from the Arcade, but was dismissed on his father promising to take care of him. It had no effect on the lad whose career, considering his age, has been an extraordinary one. On Tuesday last Detective Badger saw the prisoner at Stow Park, leading a mule by a string in the direction of Cardiff Road. The sight of Badger frightened the youth and he ran away. The officer took the mule to the Bridge Hotel stables, where it still remains awaiting an owner. The Magistrates said it was a disgrace to the father, that in spite of previous promises to look after the boy, he was still carrying on with his thieving ways. Saunders replied that unfortunately his wife was rather fond of the drink. The Bench committed the prisoner to Usk for fourteen days to be followed by five years in a reformatory.
Star of Gwent. 15th August, 1890 Sir, Kindly allow me, through your valuable paper, to complain of the unfair way we are treated in Caerleon Road. You no doubt remember that Caerleon Road was taken into the Borough last year. What we have to complain of is there is no accommodation in the shape of an hotel, or public house, of any kind; which means that working men coming home from a days work about nine o'clock, have to run or send a mile and a half away, for a drop of supper beer. If too tired to go ourselves, we have to send our children. Hoping that the Justices of the Peace will remedy this sort of thing before long. I remain etc. a Working Man
Star of Gwent. 25th January, 1889 William Hyatt of Goldcliff was charged with being drunk in charge of a horse and furiously driving over Newport Bridge on Saturday night. Fined ten shillings or seven days.
Star of Gwent. 1st May, 1889 An unusual scene, having in it a romantic element, took place on Thursday at St. Mary's Church. An old man named Dix, about 74 years of age, had, it appeared succumbed to the attractions of a girl of 18 named Fitz, and they resolved to become united. The advice of friends went unheeded and the banns were duly published. It was hoped, up to a day or two since, that better counsels had prevailed, and that the girl had abandoned the match; but on Thursday the couple presented themselves at the Church to be wed, accompanied by a large number of interested spectators. Having failed to give notice of their intended visit that morning, they found no clergyman present. The mother of the bride, however, was there, and vigorously protested against the ceremony being performed. She was informed by the Verger there was no clergyman there, and that therefore there could be no ceremony, and the parties eventually left the church, the mother meanwhile declaring that she would not allow the marriage, and making known in pretty plain terms her opinion of the transaction.
Star of Gwent. 8th May, 1889 A correspondent who forwards his name and address as a guarantee of good faith, writes that on Saturday he witnessed an incident which might have terminated in a river mystery. After partaking of supper he took a stroll over Newport Bridge, the time being quarter past eleven. At Bangor Wharf he observed a burly man dressed in black, pick up a woman and partly carry her down the embankment to the water's edge. His suspicions were aroused and he saw the arrival of two young men who came from an opposite direction. The man then dropped his burden and was interrogated as to his intentions with respect to the woman. He replied that she was his wife, and that they lived on the east side of the river. One of the young men said he was treating his wife in an extraordinary manner, and that it was his intention to see that no harm befell her. The brute, for such he proved to be, told the young man to mind his own business. The woman now spoke up and denied she was his wife. He got into a great rage, and informed his questioner that he had already beaten a local prize-fighter, and would have a go with him. The young man remained cool and said if he was not careful the only place he would go would be to the Police Station. The man behaved like a wild bull, his eyes glared and his arms wildly gesticulated - he breathed and threatened slaughter. At this moment a working man appeared upon the scene, and being informed of what had taken place administered to the bully one of the soundest lectures on moral philosophy that could possibly be imagined, while the group, including the woman, left him to ponder on the aches and pains of life.
Star of Gwent. 10th January, 1890 The influenza epidemic continues unabated throughout the kingdom and numerous deaths are reported. Years have elapsed since the illness was so prevalent at Newport as it is at the present time. It has pervaded the great majority of homes, and it is feared that the death rate for the quarter will be much above the average. The Mayor has been confined to his room, whilst many leading inhabitants suffering from colds, and fearing an attack of influenza, are deeming it prudent to remain within doors.
Star of Gwent. 6th June, 1890 The amount of Juvenile crime at Newport is becoming appalling. There is scarcely a sitting of the Police Court but what numerous lads are ordered to be locked up in the cells, from periods of from one to three days, also to be severely birched. Older boys are sent to prison, in some instances the sentence to be followed by incarceration in a reformatory. Kindness and severity have each been tried in turn, but without result, in fact juvenile crime is very rapidly on the increase. Much of this is due to the vitiated and blighting influences and teachings of the parents. It is a well known fact that there are hundreds of children in this town, who are being systematically trained to theft, by parents who should lose no opportunity of impressing upon their offspring, the necessity of leading honest lives, they appear altogether indifferent to the fact that they are training their children for a life of CONVICTS.
Star of Gwent. 21st November, 1890 Sir, In reference to servants' hours, I think it is high time something was done in the matter. Many girls are on from six thirty in the morning until eleven or twelve o'clock at night. I, for one, think we have no life. As the shops are closing early, I think steps should be taken for female servants to be able to get out early, in order to get what they may require, not half past seven or eight o'clock, the same as many do now. I say life is not worth living if things are going on at this rate. Slaves we are called, a more suitable name could not be found. We all ought to strike and strike we will, and let the so called gentry do their work themselves, for us girls mean to stick up for their rights. Trusting I am not intruding on your valuable space - I am
Star of Gwent. 9th January, 1891 The Newport Magistrates are to be commended for dealing with a firm hand with acts of indecency whensoever or wheresoever committed. It is a gross and glaring evil that ladies resident, in what may be termed the fashionable suburbs of the borough, are afraid to leave their houses unattended after darkness has set in. It is monstrous, too, that vendors of indecent cards shall publicly ply their avocation in the streets, even though assistant schoolmasters be attracted to the spot, without meeting with the punishment which they so richly deserve. The Superintendent of Police is again on the alert, and it is to be hoped he will turn his attention to those disgusting hand-bills now being posted up in public places of convenience. The morality of the youth of Newport is being corrupted thereby and must be protected.
Star of Gwent. 20th February, 1891 A Chepstow farmer drove into Newport a few days ago and purchased some corn, also two bottles of whiskey. On arriving back home he discovered that during the journey the bottles of whiskey had got broken, the corn being saturated with the liquor. The corn was thrown into a heap in the farmyard, and was freely partaken of during the night by some turkeys. One of these was discovered the following morning by the farmer apparently lifeless and its owner, believing it to be dead from a cause which did not render it unsaleable, plucked it in readiness for Chepstow Market on the following day. The morning duly arrived, but the farmer on proceeding to fetch the turkey, found it alive and hopping about in the yard - plucked though it was.
Star of Gwent. 18th November, 1891 On the 5th the streets were more lively than usual it is true and fireworks are still resorted to, but to a smaller extent than was previously the case, fortunately rough horse-play and street riots, in which ere now a policeman has lost his life; and the bitterness engendered between Protestants and Roman Catholics, are things of the past. Our Roman Catholic fellow townsmen, no longer regard the celebration of Guy Fawkes' Day as a studied insult to their religion. They now take part in the celebration, purchasing fireworks for the amusement of their children and their families. As a consequence, what is familiarly known as "Squib Night", has become perfectly harmless. The police have recognised this for some years past, and their non-interference, has done more than anything else in maintaining order. The glories of "Squib Night" are only to be regarded as things of the past.
South Wales Argus. 24th April, 1894 Dear Sir, Knowing that your columns are always open to the oppressed and downtrodden, I venture to address you on a subject that is occupying the attention of many of the people of Newport. Surprise has often been expressed that many classes, notably the Pleasant Sunday Afternoon and Kindred Meetings, have been restricted to men, but I can restrain my indignation no longer when I find that women are to be excluded from the Rev. Bruce Wallace's meeting next Sunday afternoon. It is to be held at a time when many women could attend, whose home duties would detain them in the evenings. If either sex must be excluded on that occasion, would it not be far more reasonable to shut out the men for once? They have infinitely greater opportunities for informing themselves on social questions than we have, and yet they exclude us from this most important, most instructive and convenient time to meet him. I am not a member of the "shrieking sisterhood" not even a public speaker, only a quiet "haus frau", but in common with many mothers, I take the keenest interest in this subject. I am anxious for the social arrangements of the future to be directed on the right lines, so that my little ones may grow up to have a better chance than we have had. I think that the selfish monopoly of a meeting like this by the men is, like our unequal marriage laws, and the denial of the suffrage, an evidence of the time honoured masculine desire to keep women ignorant, lest they should gain too much influence in social and political life. In this desire the men must claim kinship with their "rude forefathers" of the barbaric ages, and with their brethren of savage and uncivilised tribes. Assured that you will use your influence in this and similar matters. I am, Yours faithfully, Citoyenne
South Wales Argus. 26th April, 1894 Dear Sir, The letter signed "Citoyenne" in your issue of yesterday forces me to protest against what I regard as one of the worst signs of our times, viz., the great desire of women to interfere in public affairs. They apparently wish to attend not only Mr. Bruce Wallace's meeting on Sunday afternoon, but all other meetings which hitherto have been very properly reserved for men. Why do they trouble their dear little heads with these abstruse problems? They may safely leave the management of social affairs to the men. If they want to help forward reforms of this kind, their best plan is to attend well to their homes and their families, keep things comfortable for their husbands, and so prevent them going to the public house and engaging in other undesirable pursuits. If they have time to spare for matters outside their homes, let them attend sewing, nursing or cooking classes, which will fit them for woman's proper sphere, and not go filling their minds with subjects calculated to divert their attention from their feminine duties and spoil their womanliness. I am sure that the hysterical and ridiculous letter of Citoyenne only represents the opinion of a small minority; and in that I am supported by a large section of the community. I am, dear Sir, Yours sincerely, Propriety
South Wales Argus. 21st August, 1895 Newport town Hall was lighted for the first time by electricity on Monday evening. The lights were turned on by Alderman J. Moses, the Chairman of the Electric Lighting sub-committee, and Alderman T. Jones, Councillor G. Greenland and the Borough Surveyor (Mr. R.H. Haynes) were also present. The general effect of the lights was most pleasing, and the trial was in every way a thorough and complete success.
South Wales Argus. 25th July, 1896 Mlle. Albertina ascended by means of a balloon, from the Exhibition Grounds at Cardiff on Tuesday, to nearly 6,000 feet in order to descend by parachute. Having reached the appointed height, she unloosed her parachute, but she was carried eastwards towards the Bristol Channel into which she must have descended. From that time till Friday night her fate remained a mystery. At about ten o'clock on Friday a girl named Mary Waggett of Nash, told her father that she had seen a body lying on the bank of the Bristol Channel. The police were informed and a constable went to the shore, and there on the edge of the bank he saw the body lying. He knew at once it was the missing parachutist; he recognised the dress which had been described, and she had attached to her shoulders the straps and hooks by which she was suspended from the parachute. The body was taken to the village church at Nash where it lies awaiting the Coroner's investigation. We understand that Mlle. Albertina was 14 years old and it was only the second time she had attempted this feat.
South Wales Argus. 23rd June, 1897 William Thomas was charged with being disorderly in Dock Street. P.C. Rawlings said defendant was imposing on people on Friday. He went outside public houses, and falling down, was supposed to be in a fit. People had brought him brandy and money. Defendant pleaded he was subject to fits. The Superintendent said he had not had any fits while in the cells. Alderman Moses said "he could not get any brandy there". Certain people who had been watching the prisoner in the course of the afternoon said he always seemed to have a fit when near a public house. The defendant was remanded until Wednesday to be medically examined.
South Wales Argus. 8th July, 1898 There is no more popular excursion in the year than that organised by the Newport Rowing Club. The club's annual trip to Ilfracombe is not only popular - it is "the fashion" and the ninth excursion which was held on Thursday, was second to none in the history of the enterprise. There were nearly 650 persons aboard including the Mayor and Mrs. Bear, and the company was representative of the youth, beauty, manhood, intellect, rank and wealth of Newport. The ladies were brilliant in summer costumes; the men resplendent in flannels and blazers. The magnificent saloon steamer Britannia left the pontoon at 10 a.m. and Ilfracombe was reached about one o'clock. The return voyage was embarked upon about seven and Newport was reached shortly after ten a.m. Thus ended one of the most successful, and certainly one of the most enjoyable trips ever organised by Newport Rowing Club.
South Wales Argus. 8th July, 1898 Whilst Mr. John Trump, an attendance officer under the Newport School Board, was going his rounds the other day he had an unpleasant experience. In passing a house in Mellon Square, occupied by Kate Lyons, a quantity of tea slops was thrown from an upper window. The tea leaves found a resting place on the officer's cap, and some of the liquid trickled down his neck and back, much to his discomfort. The result was a summons for assault, to which Mrs. Lyons appeared at the Town Hall this morning. Mr Trump related the circumstances but defendant said she did not know Mr. Trump was passing and the tea leaves were accidentally showered upon him. She expressed regret for what had occurred. - The Justices, accepting this plea, dismissed the case.
South Wales Argus. 7th January, 1899 A more surprising victory than that of today has never been secured in an International Match. It is true that confidence was felt in many quarters that the Welsh team was capable of holding their own forward and winning by their three-quarters. But no one was prepared for the very fine display given by the Welsh fifteen. It was all dash, fire, and brilliance which marks Welsh football at its best, and England has never been beaten comparable with that of today. The result was: Wales 4G, 2T, 7M; England 0G, 1T, 2M.
South Wales Argus. 9th March, 1899 Who makes the best wife? Why, the girl who knows how to appreciate a good man, and is prepared to make sacrifices to equip him for life's stern battle. A girl of head and heart, a girl who is equally at home in the kitchen and the drawing room - the girl who, should her "husband-to-be" be afflicted with Indigestion, Wind on the Stomach, Biliousness, Liver Complaints etc., flies at once to the best known remedy in the World, - Page Woodcock's Wind Pills.
South Wales Argus. 15th April, 1899 William Buckler, the world famous Newport pedestrian is suffering from sciatica, which compels him to defer for a time the attempt to further walking feats.
South Wales Argus. 25th September,
1899 W.T. Lawton the pro-Boer lecturer, on remand, appeared at Newport Police Court accused of causing a disturbance in Skinner Street. P.C. Faulkes said he saw defendant standing upon an empty tub. Re was surrounded by a large crowd. He had a newspaper in one hand and a silk hat in the other, and was proclaiming in favour of the Boers. Fearing a riot, he took the defendant to the Police Station; it was a mixed and angry crowd, and they followed Lawton shouting and booing. The crowd had been shouting "throw him in the river" and "burn his whiskers." The crowd numbered about 1500 persons, the street being blocked from top to bottom. An independent witness said he heard the prisoner say that the Boers did not declare war. The crowd became excited at this assertion, and sang "Soldiers of the Queen." The result was that the lecturer dismounted the tub, and was jostled about. Mr. Lawton stated that the charge had not been proved, and that free speech was an Englishman's birthright. The end result was that a fine of five shillings or seven days was imposed.
South Wales Argus. 11th November,
1899 At a Newport Police Court on Friday, George Smith, hawker, of Horton's Lodging House in Canal Parade, was charged with offering and exposing for sale indecent cards in Commercial Street and Clarence Place. P.C. Box arrested the prisoner and found indecent cards upon him. P.C. files said he had received numerous complaints, and he had confronted the prisoner with a boy, who identified the man as having sold him cards. Herbert James Hooper said the prisoner came up to him and offered some cards for sale; he paid sixpence for them but did not know what they were, and when he found out he burnt them as he was ashamed. Prisoner was fined forty shillings or one month.
South Wales Argus. 16th December,
1899 Before Alderman D.A. Vaughan and Alderman C.H. Bailey, Thomas Tugby aged 15 was charged with stealing oranges in the Provision Market, the property of Mr. Sheppard a fruitier. The father complained that the lad was incorrigible. The Bench made an order that the child should be sent to the Market Weighton Roman Catholic Reformatory, until he attains the age of 19, both Messrs Vaughan and Bailey remarking that the boy was no credit to his father, neither was the father any credit to the son. It was, said the Chairman, owing to the son's bad bringing up that he was in his present, poor, wretched condition.
South Wales Argus. 30th December,
1899 Colonel Lyne presided at
Saturday's Meeting, and prior to the commencement
of business, said it had been his privilege for
many years to wish the members "A Merry
Christmas," but to wish them merriment at such a
time as the present would be out of place, (hear
hear!!) in view of the sorrowful time through
which the Country was passing. He would, however,
wish them the compliments of the season.